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Overseeing the technology infrastructure of a rapidly growing organization presents many potential challenges. Few people understand this better than LeeAnn Skorohod, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Regulatory Officer for Exodus Recovery. This amazing organization provides mental health services across California. Programs range from in-patient treatment to ongoing wellness programs.
Having grown to 59 locations over the last decade, Exodus Recovery now has over 1,600 employees. Implementing and supporting technology across all of these locations can be quite daunting at times. Skorohod looks to CDS to provide Managed IT Services to support the growing organization. The result has been improved uptime, higher user satisfaction, and decreased security risk.
Exodus Recovery has seen tremendous growth over the past decade from 17 locations to 59 across California. Supporting these 1,600 users requires a team of field support professionals that can respond quickly to on-site support needs. It also demands a help-desk that understands the unique needs of Exodus’ 1,600 employees.
Each new location requires a team to integrate new computers, printers, copiers, and phones into the Exodus network. This requires a team of people to be available to provision and install these new systems.
As a healthcare organization, Exodus Recovery is subject to HIPAA regulations that mandate security protocols for patient information. Like most healthcare companies, they also receive a high amount security threats. This includes large amounts of SPAM emails with malware that can clog email servers.
Exodus Recovery looks to the CDS Managed IT Services program to provide comprehensive support for their entire technology infrastructure. This comprehensive IT support program includes:
Proactive Protection
Prompt Service
Provisioning New Locations
All of this is done through a team of local certified IT professionals that respond quickly to Exodus Recovery’s support needs.
Skorohod is very happy with the relationship. Following are some of the ways that she sees Exodus Recovery benefit from CDS Managed IT Services
“If there is anything weird or unique that could possibly go wrong with a computer it has happened to me.” She appreciates the way that the CDS team will work until her problem is resolved. This excellent support flows through her entire experience with CDS, creating key benefits that help Exodus Recovery fulfill its mission.
“The CDS team thinks proactively,” comments Skorohod. Instead of waiting for problems to occur, the CDS team monitors the Exodus Recovery network 24 hours a day. This allows hardware, software, and network issues to be resolved before they become issues.
Scalability is a continual need for a growing organization with multiple locations. With CDS Skorohod has access to a full team instead of just one IT person. “If one is out sick or on vacation, I’m not in trouble.” When new locations open, CDS is there to help deploy new systems. “CDS has been good at enabling our growth.”
“I can call and speak to any one of the team and have confidence to know they will get to the bottom of the problem.”
“CDS answers the phone with real, local people at the help desk.”
“They take ownership of problems.”
“As a healthcare company, we are bombarded with SPAM.” Not only do these emails present a security risk, the volume of email can slow down the server, delaying the delivery of key emails. In addition to ensuring malicious emails are filtered, the CDS team continually optimizes the email server to make sure that key emails get pushed through no matter the total volume of email.
“As we continue to grow, we know that CDS will grow with us.” Instead of getting distracted with support issues, Skorohod can now think more globally. Most of the conversations with CDS now center on optimization, productivity, and growth opportunities.
“I get more for my money,” smiles Skorohod. For a fraction of the cost of a full IT department, she is able to access of skill set and resources of a full IT team. “Having the CDS team as opposed to one onsite employee reduces our risk.”